Regional Planning

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Basic Info

Regional Plan Documents for Review and Comment

DCA's regional planning programs help local governments and regional commissions consider issues, opportunities and resources that multiple neighboring jurisdictions share and may address in a coordinated fashion.  The Georgia Planning Act ( O.C.G.A. 45-12-200, et seq., and 50-8-1, et seq.) governs many of the activities of the twelve Regional Commissions, including identifying and managing Regionally Important Resources, creating and implementing Regional Comprehensive Plans, and reviewing Developments of Regional Impact.

Our regional programs include:

  1. Developments of Regional Impact (DRI). DRI's are large-scale developments that are likely to have regional effects beyond the local government jurisdiction in which they are located. To submit a DRI or view submissions visit our web page
  2. Regional Commissions. DCA contracts annually with Georgia's twelve Regional Commissions to foster effective local and regional planning and implementation of those plans. The Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts (DOAA), also conducts annual performance audits of state funds (including DCA) received by the regional commissions. 
  3. Regional Comprehensive Planning.  Regional Commissions prepare regional plans that guide future decision making that addresses critical regional needs and opportunities and provides a framework for advancing the state's planning goals.
  4. Regionally Important Resources (RIR). Regional Commissions prepare a Regional Resource Plan that systematically identifies regionally important resources in each region and recommends best practices for use in managing these important resources.
  5. Success Stories. Planning Success Stories celebrate communities across the state that are successfully implementing their comprehensive plans. DCA also highlights outstanding initiatives and success stories undertaken by Georgia’s twelve Regional Commissions in order to share knowledge and tools that have been successfully implemented to address a diverse range of community and regional issues. 
  6. Integrating Hazard Mitigation and Land Use Planning. Communities and regional commissions should prepare for future hazards and to be morle disaster resilient by limiting the interruption of the hazards on the local community. Comprehensive planning can be a tool to help achieve this. Visit our website for more information, tools and resources.

