Report of Local Government Finance (RLGF)

Tab Group

Basic Info




FY2024 RLGF Link

FY2023 RLGF Link

FY2022 RLGF Link

FY2021 RLGF Link

Georgia law requires local governments to submit an annual Report of Local Government Finances (RLGF) to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). These reports provide important information, used by state and local government policy makers to better understand and evaluate local government operations and service delivery strategies.

The RLGF report form can be downloaded from DCA’s website and can be used for any fiscal year. Once completed, the RLGF should be uploaded in the appropriate years survey link found above.

Also, this spreadsheet includes an “attachments” tab to allow local government to submit required supplemental information in the same document.  When uploading these Reports, please enter "RLGF" followed by your government's name in the subject line of your email. The RLGF is due for all local governments within six months of the conclusion of the jurisdiction's fiscal year.

Under “Downloads & Related Links” below, click on the first option Report of Local Government Finances FORM (MS Excel Spreadsheet) to get started. (Instructions and Uniform Chart of Accounts and other information are also provided but have not changed.)

RLGF data are available to download through our website here:  and through the Tax and Expenditure Data Center for Georgia Local Governments, accessible at 







  • Notice is hereby given that the Department of Community Affairs will hold a public hearing in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, O.C.G.A. §50-13-1, et seq. The hearing will afford all interested persons reasonable opportunity to provide data, views, or arguments regarding proposed revisions to the administrative procedures related to the Report of Local Government Finances (Rules of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Chapter 110-3-1).

    The public hearing will be held from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. on September 22nd, 2023, in Board Room 302 of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, 60 Executive Park South, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30329.

    Any party wishing to provide data, views, or arguments regarding the proposed rules in writing may do so by submitting them to: Report of Local Government Finances Rules, Office of Community Planning, Research, and Geoanalytics, Georgia Department of Community Affairs, 60 Executive Park South, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30329, emailing them to or by presenting them at the public hearing. These written comments must be received no later than 5:00 P.M. on October 13th, 2023.

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    Notice is hereby given that, at a meeting beginning at 1:00 P.M. on November 8, 2023, location to be determined, the Board of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) intends to adopt revised administrative procedures related to the Hotel Motel Tax Report and Hotel Motel Tax Performance Review Board (Rules of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Chapter 110-3- 1). If adopted by the Board of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the proposed rules will become effective January 1, 2024.

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    The Department’s authority to administer this program is recognized in O.C.G.A. § 36-81-8. A complete copy of these proposed rules is available for public inspection in the Office of Community Planning, Research, and Geoanalytics, Georgia Department of Community Affairs, 60 Executive Park South, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30329, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., each Monday through Friday (excluding State holidays). A complete copy of each of the proposed rules can also be obtained by contacting the Office of Community Planning, Research, and Geoanalytics (404) 679- 3105 or by accessing it on the Department’s website at

    This 8th day of September 2023.

    Christopher Nunn