HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)

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Basic Info

DCA administers federal HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds to develop multifamily rental properties and to build and renovate single family homes.

Multifamily Rental Housing Development: Multifamily rental housing developers apply to DCA for HOME funds during the annual competitive 9% tax credit application round.

CHDO: Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) are nonprofits that meet the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements regarding board composition and community housing development activities.  CHDO multifamily rental housing developers are eligible for HOME set asides during the tax credit application round.

CHIP: The Community HOME Investment Program (CHIP) is a DCA program that grants HOME funds to local governments, nonprofits, and public housing authorities during an annual competitive grant application process.  CHIP funds can be used to develop single family homes for sale to eligible homebuyers and to provide owner-occupied housing rehabilitation

HOME ARP: The State of Georgia received $87 milllion in federal funds through the HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP) to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter, to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability.

