HUD 811

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Basic Info

The HUD 811 PRA Wait List is currently OPEN.

We are accepting Referral Forms for
the Project-Based Rental Assistance Wait List. 

The HUD 811 Program is referring eligible households on the waitlist to
available vacant 811 units during this time.

What is HUD 811 Project Rental Assistance?

HUD 811 PRA is a permanent supportive housing (PSH) program offering rental assistance and supportive services for people between the ages of 18 and 61 with long-term disabilities, who may have difficulty living successfully in the community and may become homeless or institutionalized without support.  Housing supports are individualized and may include reminders to pay the rent, help to arrange medical appointments, and other services. Only people with disabilities who need these types of supports are eligible for HUD 811.

The Georgia HUD 811 PRA program provides a set-aside of subsidized rental units at designated apartment buildings located around the state.  Once an individual is referred and the application ahs been reviewed, a confirmation email will be sent to the Referral Agent.  DCA will place the Referred Individual on a county-based housing list and will refer him/her to a property that has a vacancy in one of the requested counties when one becomes available.  Position on the housing list is based on the date and time the referral was received by DCA.

In FFY2012 and FFY2013, the State of Georgia was awarded funding to initiate the HUD Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Demonstration Grant Program.  It is a cooperative effort by federal and state agencies to transition individuals with disabilities to integrated, community-based settings. By partnering with private sector and non-profit developers and organizations, the program provides supportive housing for the state's most vulnerable population – extremely low-income persons with disabilities.




Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process from referral to acceptance take? Once on the waitlist list, what is the average length of time before units are available? Are referral agents able to refer properties to the program for approval?

The length from referral to HUD 811 Waitlist to Property Referral to Move In can take up to 18 months depending on where the household wants to live, unit availability, bedroom size, accessibility and the number of households on the wait list.  Property availability depends on many factors as well. This is not an emergency housing program. 

All referrals to properties need to come through DCA to ensure waiting list placement and then referral.

Can 811 apply to market rate units?