Board of Directors
The BoS CoC Board of Directors is the governing body of the Balance of State Continuum. Considerations for board representation include expertise and experience in homelessness, geographic distribution, diversification of interests, provider perspective, the perspective of homeless persons, limiting/managing conflicts of interest, and other relevant factors. Board members must be relevant -- meaning that they must live or work in the geographical area of the BoS CoC.
In January 2022, the terms for all “At Large” seats will expire. These five board seats will be filled following this call for nominations from the community, followed by a review by the Membership and Rules Committee that will finalize a recommended slate of Board Members. The Membership and Rules Committee is inviting the community of stakeholders to nominate potential Governance Board members for the “Super Region” seats. A basic packet of information as well as a FILLABLE Nomination Form is posted at: The
Request for Nominations is open from December 7, 2021 through December 17, 2021 (5:00 pm).
While decisions for the Continuum will be made by the Board, the work of the Continuum will generally be carried out by Committees and, as appointed by Committees, Subcommittees.
Assessment, Placement and Services
- Develops written standards for CoC and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program admissions
- Identifies systems issues/needs/barriers to housing and services
- Coordination of service programs, system of care, homeless liaisons
- Facilitate and maximize access to mainstream services
- Work with providers on affirmatively furthering fair housing and prevention of involuntary separation of homeless families
- Work with the State Interagency Council
- Lead in the development of a Coordinated Assessment System (Coordinated Entry)
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
Communicates HMIS needs of the Continuum
Assists the Board with management and oversight of the HMIS Lead and the Continuum’s HMIS implementation
As necessary, makes recommendations to the Board on changes to the HMIS system, HMIS Lead, and HMIS applicant utilized by the Continuum
Reviews policies and procedures and making recommendations for a privacy, security, and data quality plan to the Board
Monitors the Continuum’s compliance with HMIS requirements prescribed by HUD
Monitors participation in HMIS by users throughout the Continuum.
Membership and Rules
- The committee works with greater autonomy than other sub committees, providing a system of checks and balances for the Continuum as a whole. This is the only sub committee to make decisions, as well as recommendations to the Continuum Board.
- These include:
Standards, Rating and Project Selection
- The Committee establishes:
- a policy on whether to include low performing programs within the NOFA application to HUD
- program priorities according to type (permanent housing, transitional housing, etc.)
- the policy and procedure for NOFA applications (both renewal and new)
- the process for submitting applications(both renewal and new)
- the scoring criteria for the reviews
- Develops and recommends written standards for all phases of BoS CoC and Emergency Solutions Grants programs for Board approval.