Notice of Intent to Apply - HOME ARP Non-Congregate Shelter Funding

DCA intends to accept Applications in 2023 for the HOME ARP Non-Congregate Shelter Funding.  This will be through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) released in the Spring/Early Summer of 2023.  Nonprofits, Local Governments & Participating Jurisdictions (PJs), Community Development Corporations (CDCs), and Community Collaboratives are encouraged to apply. 

The focus of developments must be the construction of new structures or the acquisition/rehab of existing structures (such as motels, nursing homes, schools, churches, or other facilities) to bridge the gap between emergency shelter and permanent housing solutions.  The Non-Congregate Shelters must be private units or rooms with bathrooms in each unit (shared kitchens or kitchenettes are applicable).

HOME-ARP NCS funds will be awarded to organizations with a stable track record of providing quality shelter to homeless individuals and adequate financing to operate the units (staffing oversight, utility payments, maintenance costs) for the required use period.

Please complete the online Intent to Apply (NOI) Form if you intend to submit an application to the 2023 HOME ARP NCS NOFA.
This will allow DCA to prepare for Application reviews adequately. Applicants should submit a separate survey for each Application.  This form is not mandatory to apply for HOME ARP NCS Funding in the future, though it is helpful to DCA to know the interest throughout the state for planning purposes. 

For more information on HOME ARP, see the Final HOME-ARP Implementation Notice from HUD at   
Direct any questions to