Housing Counselor Resources and Training

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Basic Info

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) supports the education of future home owners on the benefits and responsibilities of homeownership as a necessary and important part of the home buying process. DCA provides Home Buyer Education to potential home buyers online through E-Home America www.eHomeAmerica.org/DCA and partners with HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies across the state to conduct individual housing counseling sessions. Please click the link to located a  HUD Approved Housing Counselor.


Ready, Set, Go Program

Ready, Set, Go provides homebuyers the opportunity to complete an online financial literacy course and meet, at least, three times with a housing counselor, either in-person or by phone. The Ready, Set, Go (RSG) Agencies reviews and discusses the home buyer’s budget and credit and provides general pre-purchase housing counseling. RSG Agencies are reimbursed for their services.


How to Become a Certified HUD-Approved Housing Counselor?

DCA’S  Housing Counseling Program supports the delivery of a wide variety of housing counseling services to homebuyers, homeowners, low- to moderate-income renters, and the homeless. The primary objectives of the Program are to improve financial literacy, expand homeownership opportunities, improve access to affordable housing, and preserve homeownership.

To provide housing counseling services through DCA’s HUD Programs, individuals must certify through HUD by way of passing a new written examination—The HUD Housing Counseling Certification Examination—and verifying employment at a Housing Counseling Agency. 

Please visit the HUD Exchange for more information about the HUD Housing Counseling Program.


HUD Housing Counseling Training Resources:

Housing Action Illinois

National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)

Neighborhood Stabilization Corporation (NSC)

NeighborWorks America

Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)

Ubuntu Institute of Learning
