
The PDF of the FFY23-24 DCA HOPWA Application Workshop PowerPoint.

The PDF of the FFY23 DCA ESG Application Workshop PowerPoint.

2023 Emergency Solutions Grants Application Workshop Announcement

The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is announcing the 2023 application process for the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program. The ESG Program is designed to provide housing or service resources with the goal of stable housing outcomes for eligible person, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

The DCA ESG and HOPWA Programs application process will open Monday, April 10, 2023.

The DCA ESG Program will have four (4) Q & A webinars offered during the application process. The HOPWA Program will have two (2) Q & A webinars during the application process. Local government entities and non-profit organizations applying for ESG and/or HOPWA are encouraged to attend at least one (1) Q & A webinar.

Q & A Webinars

Thursday, April 13, 2023, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

(ESG Only)

As part of their “State-of-the-State Historic Tax Credit” program, The National Trust for Historic Preservation has published a resource guide, webinar, and interactive tools that succinctly present program details for state historic tax credit programs across the country, along with tangible benefits the programs provide. By comparing program features nationwide, these new tools give policy makers, stakeholders, and advocates access to a breadth of options to develop and strengthen state historic tax credit incentives.

Notice of Intent to Adopt revised Rules for the Georgia State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitated Historic Property Program, Historic Preservation Division, Department of Community Affairs.

Pursuant to the Requirements of the Georgia Administrative Procedures Act, as amended, attached are the revised Rules for the Historic Preservation Division's State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitated Historic Property Program. Also attached are a Notice of Intent form and a Summary of the proposed program rule amendments.

Notice is hereby given that the Department of Community Affairs will receive public comments pertaining to the adoption of State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI 2.0) program. The comment period will afford all interested persons reasonable opportunity to provide data, views, or arguments regarding proposed rules for the State Small Business Credit Initiative, in spite of the fact that the department, and this program in particular, is exempted from requirements contained within the Administrative Procedures Act.
