Housing Tax Credit Program
2022 Pre-Application Instructions
- Please use the above forms for 2022 Pre-Application Submissions.
- 2022 Pre-Application documents must be submitted through Emphasys
- Fee payments will not be processed through Emphasys at this time
- All fees are due at the time of Pre-Determination/Waiver Submission.
- Make all checks payable to Georgia Housing Finance Authority (GHFA). DCA will not accept any requests without the appropriate fees. Please include the check and a PDF copy of the Submission Summary tab from the Supplemental Pre-Application workbook (in Excel, available on the DCA website). The Supplemental Pre-Application workbook is required for every pre-application.
Fees (for 9%) must be delivered to:
Georgia Housing Finance Authority Office of Housing Finance ATTN: Felecia Speakman 60 Executive Park South NE Atlanta, Georgia 30329- Follow this link to register for Emphasys Developer account and access Application Collector Portal, where you will submit application documents.
- Upon first visit to the Application Collector Portal, click “Register” to create account
- A PowerPoint guide with Submission Instructions is located here
Have a question about pre-application QAP policies or manuals?
2022 QAP and Related Documents website "Questions and Answers" Survey and Responses
Emphasys submission questions or issues? Please contact:
Mitch Kelly Mitchell.Kelly@dca.ga.gov
Sanjana Zahin Sanjana.Zahin@dca.ga.gov
Isha Williams Isha.Williams@dca.ga.gov
Performance Workbook technical difficulties? Please contact:
Stephen Vlkovic Stephen.Vlkovic@dca.ga.gov
Supplemental Pre-Application WORKBOOK technical difficulties? Please contact:
Stephen Barrett Stephen.Barrett@dca.ga.gov